Christian Resources


The following is a short list of Christian resources and their websites:

Rose Publishing has handy laminated pamphlets on a huge variety of topics.  Their website is:

Several recommended pamphlets are:
     "Understanding the Book of Revelation, Four Views," pamphlet #688X
     "The Trinity, What is the Trinity and What do Christians Believe,"  pamphlet #410X
     "The Fruit of the Spirit, How the Spirit Works in and Through Believers," pamphlet #558X
     "Hebrews, A Study in the book of Hebrews,"  pamphlet #276X


Time of Grace has helpful sermons and a wonderful daily devotional called Grace Moments.  Grace Moments can be accessed from their website or you can write them and ask for the Grace Moments devotional which comes out every 3 months.  Their website is:


The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has a weekly study guide called Explore the Bible, Personal Study Guide.  This guide is an excellent Bible study and is used for the Sunday morning study groups at church but can be used by anyone.  Their website is:


A good study Bible is The NIV Study Bible, Kenneth L. Barker, editor.  A large print paperback edition should cost from $20 - $45. Order from or

Another good Bible is The Jesus Bible, Louie Giglio, editor in chief.  He and the other contributors explain how Jesus is central to every one of the 66 books.  Order from


Dr. Stephen Sizer's book, Zion's Christian Soldiers?  The Bible, Israel and the Church, is a good book to help understand Christian theology.  You will need to read his book slowly and carefully in order to grasp what he is teaching.  Order from or read the book for free at:  


Final Day, by Rick Wiles, describes 10 characteristics of the day Jesus returns to earth.  This final day, known as the 2nd Coming of Jesus, will be the end of human history on earth.  The saved will be ushered into eternal bliss, the lost into eternal separation from God.  Well worth the read.  Order from


The Book of Revelation Made Easy.  You Can Understand Bible Prophecy, by Kenneth Gentry is an easy to read paperback explaining the importance of first century fulfillment of many of its prophecies.  Order from


A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times, by Kim Riddlebarger makes a strong argument that we are currently living in the spiritual millennial rule of Jesus right now via the world-wide Christian church.  So the Kingdom of God is the church.  You can order his book from or


God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel, by Costi Hinn.  Benny Hinn's nephew exposes the "prosperity gospel" for what it is:  the leaders in this movement make incredible amounts of money off of the desperate desires of millions of Christians.  Well worth the read.  You can order from


Is Genesis History? explores the book of Genesis from the viewpoint of a narrative and not just as story telling.  All the scientists interviewed are PhD's.  The DVD is excellent.  Their website is:>

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