Overview of the Bible
The two divisions of the Bible are the Old Testament and the New Testament. The first book is Genesis and the last book is Revelation, or The Apocalypse. The all encompassing theme is the Messiah. The Messiah was promised to the Hebrew people in the OT; Isaiah 53> describes how He would be a suffering servant who would pay for the sins of the world, and the NT announces the Messiah and His ministry. The first mention of the Messiah in is Genesis 3:15 where it is foretold that He would crush Satan's head --defeat him. This Jesus did when He died on the cross as the perfect Lamb of God and when He physically rose from the dead 3 days later. As you read the Old Testament, consider types and shadows. For instance, Moses was a great leader, but Jesus is greater than Moses (see Hebrews 3>). King David was a great king, but Jesus is the King of Kings (see Revelation 19: 11-16>). The glory of God filled Solomon's temple, but the glory of God physically came down on Jesus at His baptism (see Luke 3: 21-23a>) and at His transfiguration (see Matthew 17: 1-8>). Animal sacrifices were decreed for the Hebrew people as a shadow of the ultimate sacrifice (the Lamb of God).
The Old Covenant contains types of shadows of the coming New Covenant. As you read the New Covenant (Matthew to Revelation), you will see the glory and light of Jesus Christ.