Sermons and Testimonies
This is a short list of sermons and testimonies:
In This Together> with Rev. Dr. Michael Ziegler. God will help us during this Coronavirus crisis.
Who is Jesus? What the Bible Really Says About Him)>. WWUTT answers this question in 90 seconds.
David Platt // A Warning You Must Hear>. We will all meet Jesus one day.
Mordechai's 5 minute testimony>. When he was a teenager in h.s., he was told not to read the NT. What do you think he did?
Pastor Jordy McKaskle's sermon>. Jesus wasn't concerned about titles. Instead, He wore the towel of a servant.
Pastor John Swadley's sermon>. We serve Jesus by serving others.
College professor's testimony>. He was walking around the parking lot at the synagogue when something scared him. What did he experience?
Jesus Christ - Heaven - Must See>. Our inheritance in Christ is Heaven. DISCLAIMER: "[We] will know of unfallen civilizations" is conjecture by the film writer.
John Piper recites Romans 8>. The Holy Spirit wants to control our lives.
Essential Doctrines>. Deity, Original Sin, Canon, Trinity, Resurrection, Incarnation, New Creation, Eschatology. (WWUTT)
Christ's Resurrection> is Our Hope. Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac has a powerful message.
The History of Christianity in 5 Minutes>. A fast paced summary.
BREATHTAKING>: Watch Night Footage of Russia's Massive Orthodox Church Built for Russia's Armed Forces (click on CC for English).
F4F | John Kilpatrick>. John Kilpatrick wants to rebuild the Temple. (He doesn't understand who is the true Temple).
Replacement theology? Spiritual Israel replaces natural Israel. Look to the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus.
4 Ways to Spot a False Teacher>. Christians need discernment.
John Piper interviews Rick Warren on Hell>. An honest and straightforward discussion.
Comparison of the ISA Tile, Prince of Peace and Shroud of Turin>. Interesting comparisons.
How Jesus Saved His Own Portrait>. The true story of Akiane's lost masterpiece.
An Easter Surprise: A Quantum Hologram of Christ's Resurrection? by Chuck Missler.
Homeless Boy Steals the Talent Show. Everyone needs a chance in life. (Over 174 million views.)
Christians in Syria Testimony. "Be faithful. . . and I will give you the crown of life." (Revelation 2: 10)
I AM GOD>. A powerful presentation.
That's My King Dr. S.M. Lockridge>. Jesus is awesome and indescribable.
Why I Abominate the Prosperity "Gospel">. John Piper's critique of those who teach that God expects us to be rich.
Do We Have to Prove That God Exists? A good answer to this question. (WWUTT)
He found Messiah> in the pages of his US Navy Tenakh! Interesting testimony.
Ex Muslim Woman Calls on God> and Jesus Christ appears to her in a dream and changes her life.
Jesus Christ is God Yahweh>. A comparison of OT and NT Scriptures.
7 Biblical Answers to Popular Zionist Assumptions>. Excellent use of Holy Scripture.
Has the Church Replaced Israel?>. When We Understand the Text gives a biblical answer in 1 1/2 minutes. (WWUTT)
Where is Jesus in the OT? Todd Friel has a discussion with a college student.
The Return>. The Lion of the tribe of Judah is coming! Bow down to Him now . . . and live forever.
Unveiling Grace>. 8 Mormons have a life changing encounter with Jesus Christ.
When Jehovah's Witnesses come to my door>. Mike Winger asks them 2 questions, using their NWT.
How to Study the Book of Revelation>. Start with the 1st century. (WWUTT)
The Fruit of the Spirit | Theopedia>. The Holy Spirit wants to produce these 9 qualities in us.
Full Christian Movie - God of Wonders. A 1 1/2 hour film showing how awesome God is.